Meningitis is an acute inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord, known collectively as the meninges. The most common symptoms are fever, headache and neck stiffness. Other symptoms include confusion or altered consciousness, vomiting, and an inability to tolerate light or loud noises. Young children often exhibit only nonspecific symptoms, such as irritability, drowsiness, or poor feeding. If a rash is present, it may indicate a particular cause of meningitis; for instance, meningitis caused by meningococcal bacteria may be accompanied by a characteristic rash.
The inflammation may be caused by infection with viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms, and less commonly by certain drugs. Meningitis can be life-threatening because of the inflammation's proximity to the brain and spinal cord; therefore, the condition is classified as a medical emergency.A lumbar puncture diagnoses or excludes meningitis. A needle is inserted into the spinal canal to collect a sample of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), that envelops the brain and spinal cord. The CSF is examined in a medical laboratory.
After meningitis :
- Meningitis can damage the nerve responsible for sight (the optic nerve), resulting in partial loss of vision, or blindness in one of both eyes
- Many people experience temporary eyesight difficulties due to optic nerve swelling after meningitis
People experience :
in september 2013 i had bacterial meningitis, 3 weeks after leaving intensive care i couldn;t feel my right hand or see out of my left eye - the following months were hard but gradually everything returned to normal, it is a hard,long recovery but it does happen and two years down the line i;m fit and healthy and alive,,,,,,
Good day
I'm writhing from south Africa
As my story goes my Brother 27 years of age had severe sinus which went in to the brain causing him to get bacterial meningitis after being in a coma for 2 weeks he eventually woke up and was blind in both eyes he was in hospital for almost a month...
I'm writhing from south Africa
As my story goes my Brother 27 years of age had severe sinus which went in to the brain causing him to get bacterial meningitis after being in a coma for 2 weeks he eventually woke up and was blind in both eyes he was in hospital for almost a month...
In Hindi :
दिमागी बुखार तीन तरह का होता है। यह तीन प्रकार निम्न हैं:
वायरल मेनिनजाइटिस सबसे आम है, यह एक गंभीर संक्रमण नहीं है। यह मच्छर जनित वायरस के रूप में शरीर में पहुंचकर बुखार को कारण हो सकता है। दिमागी बुखार के इस प्रकार के लिए कोई विशेष उपचार नहीं है।
आमतौर पर एक गंभीर संक्रमण है। यह बैक्टीरिया की तीन प्रकार से होता है, हेमोफिलस इन्फ्लुएंजा टाइप बी, नेसेरिया मेनिनजाइटाइडिस और स्ट्रैपटोकोकस निमोनिया बैक्टीरिया। स्ट्रैपटोकोकस निमोनिया के कारण दिमागी बुखार न्यूमोकोकल दिमागी बुखार के रूप में जाना जाता है, जबकि नेसेरिया मेनिनजाइटाइडिस की वजह से मेनिनजाइटिस, मेनिंगोकोक्सल मेनिन्जाइटिस के रूप में जाना जाता है।
फंगल इंफेक्शन से मेनिनजाइटिस होने का खतरा सबसे कम होता है। यह संक्रमित व्यक्ति से दूसरे को नहीं फैलता लेकिन जिन लोगों का इम्यून सिस्टम कमजोर होता है वह इससे जल्दी प्रभावित होते हैं।
Here I want to share a horoscope of a girl who has suffered with this disease and lost both eyes vision , here detail came through her mother seeking some help with respect to astrology :
DOB - 24-02-2005
Time of Birth - 06.34 PM (Evening)
Place of Birth - Gurgaon , India
Before explaining the chart, natural karaka of brain is Sun, natural zodiac of brain is Aries first sign of head , brain is a controlling manager of all the nerves and through brain all the nerves communicate through optic nerves denoted by Mercury and zodiac of Gemini , retarding malefic planets Saturn, Rahu/Ketu impact on
1. Lagna, Lagna lord(both denote head and brain),
2. Mars & Aries (both denote brain and mars denote blood in the veins)
3. Mercury and Gemini (both denote communication from brain to entire nerve system)
4. Moon natural karaka of flow of blood through veins.
5. Sun natural Karaka of brain.
Now lets focus on the above mentioned chart , we found all the above mentioned 5 points are impacted by Saturn and Rahu/Ketu so brain disease is confirmed from the chart.
Following are the points to delineate the meningitis disease of the native :
1. Lagna and Chandra Lagna is Leo and its lord is Sun, so here Leo sign and Sun play most important role of brain and head part.
2. Lagna is aspected by Rahu and Saturn to the malefic planet Moon being 12th lord of loss and left eye vision.
3. Lagna is aspected by Mercury being 11th lord(6th to 6th higher level of disease) and lord of 2nd becoming here maraka planet ,at the same time Mercury is dispositor of Saturn and Jupiter both retrograde in nature and lagna also aspected by Venus dispositer of Ketu.
4. Clearly lagna and lagna lord Sun is under heavy influence of malefics like Saturn , Rahu/Ketu , Mercury , Moon and Venus making brain vulnerable to disease.
5. Lagna is vargottama along with Moon ,Saturn and Rahu/Ketu being vargottama planets in the D-9 chart making doubly impact Mercury is the dispositor of Saturn and Mars and Mars and mercury exchange their houses in the D-9 chart showing natural zodiac exchange house is 1st and 6th , brain and disease indicating brain disease and kind of brain fever.
6.In D-9 chart , Sun main planet for brain has gone to 6th house of disease and 8th lord of chronic disease is gone to lagna making head or brain vulnerable to disease and long term chronic disease.
7. Moon is heavily afflicted in both the D-1 and D-9 chart hence making a left eye vision lost at the same time Sun is also heavily affliction makes Right vision loss resultant is both the eye vision lost due to this disease.
8. Heavy affliction on lagna or brain in both D1 and D9 charts made the native to suffer a brain disease meningitis and due to suffering of it her both eye visions had been lost .
9. From the time 22 Aug 2008 to May 23 2011 , main suffering with this disease started and from the time Dec 21 2010 to Mar 20 2011 were most difficult time with this suffering . She would have hospitalized during this time is seen from the chart.
10 . Her struggle would continue till Mar 22 2017 and Saturn time would be prominent through it . So several health issues would be seen during this time.
11. With the proper astrological remedies and proper medication , some recovery could be expected during the time of Mar 23 2017 to Jan 22 2020 and rest is God and time wish !!
12 .This case is highly complex in terms of astrological remedies and its demands multiple remedies to follow with a high devotion.
Remedies to follow :
1 . Feed daily to Pigeon with Hari Moong (green moong).
2. Chant daily beej mantra of Surya(108 times) in the morning ॐ ह्रां ह्रीं ह्रौं सः सूर्याय नमः ॥ (Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah)
3. Chant daily evening हनुमान बीज मंत्र(108 times) : || ॐ ऐं भ्रीम हनुमते, श्री राम दूताय नम: ||
|| Aum aeem bhreem hanumate, shree ram dootaaya namaha ||
4. Donate Grey ,brown and black color sweet , clothes, dal or any thing that can be useful to a needy.
5. Avoid wearing Black , green, Grey , Brown , white color clothes .
6. Perform Rudrabhishek on any monday while wearing white color clothes and perform it at least once in a 3 months and 4 times in a year.
If above mentioned remedies are performed with full devotion , positive result could be seen.
Om Tat Sat!!!
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09 Sep 1982, 23:58, Sangod (Rajasthan)