A special court under India’s Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on April 10, 2015 held the founders and former officials of outsourcing firm, Satyam Computer Services, guilty in the India's biggest company fraud , an accounting scam worth Rs7,000 crore ($1.1 billion). B Ramalinga Raju, the company’s former chairman, has been sentenced to seven years in jail.
Raju wrote a letter to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and his company’s shareholders, admitting that he had manipulated the company’s earnings, and fooled investors. Nearly $1 billion—or 94% of the cash—on the books was fictitious.
In an immediate reaction to the confession, investors lost as much as Rs14,000 crore ($2.2 billion) as Satyam’s shares tanked on Jan 6 2oo9.
As per the Source of information from the NSE , Satyam Computers listing date was Dec 1 1999 at 9:55 AM .
Lets validate the biggest crash and scandal of the Indian Securities market , the case often referred as Enron of India with the eyes of Vedas :
Horoscopic chart of the Satyam Computers Ltd as a listed entity :
Planetary position of the listing entity as follow
1. Main planet responsible for the manipulation and hiding the facts is Rahu , when it joins the Mars which is liar , a thief or a cheater and give an impulsive nature to the native which is mainly requires in the fraud and scams.
2. 8th house is the house of scams or house of secrets which has a Karaka Shani to play a crucial role in the scams.
3. Lord of the 8th house and planet present in the 8th house and planets aspecting the 8th house are become crucial to give a clear picture of the scam.
Collecting above facts most important planets comes into the picture are Rahu , Saturn , Moon , Mars and Ketu.
Lets closely look the impact of the above mentioned planets to see the behaviour .
4 . Rahu is present in the 8th house or main planet for scam in the house of scam.
5. Exalted Mars conjoining Ketu in the 2nd house or source of income aspected by Rahu and debilitated Saturn from the 5th house of manipulation , becomes doubly energised and almost behave like a great manipulator with the high energy with the uncontrolled mind.[note that source of income is manipulated by around $ 1bn ]
6. Mars is the dispositor of Saturn , Jupiter and Sun is aspecting the 5th of manipulation from the 2nd house of source of income , also aspecting the 8th house of scam and 9th house of management being Sun as the lord and having Moon being 8th lord of scam is totally influenced by the impulsive nature of the Mars high energy.
7. Jupiter in the 5th house aspecting the Lagna and Moon is the only saviour for the company.
8. From the Chandra lagna , its dispositor Sun is aspected by Rahu and Mars is aspecting the 8th lord Jupiter which is conjoining Saturn in the 9th house of management. 2nd and 8th house lord respectively Mercury and Jupiter both are influenced by Saturn.
9. From the Surya Lagna , its dispositor is Mars aspected by Rahu and Saturn and from the 2nd and 9th house lord have influence of Saturn on it.
10. In the D-9 chart Mars is located in 5th house , Moon in 2nd house , Saturn in 11th aspecting the Mars and 8th house is aspected by Mars , Rahu and Saturn simultaneously , activating the biggest scandal event of the income manipulation.
11. From the Dasha system , on the Jan 6 2009 , entity was going through the Dasha time of Moon and the Antar of Saturn. This scams was exposed in front of the SEBI and shares of the company have crashed more than 90% , making biggest lost to the investor.
12. Company could survive with the only energy left is of Jupiter and later take over by Mahindra Group and now being delisted from the Indian Stock exchanges.
13 .On the 10th April 2015 , in the Dasha time of Mars and Antar of Rahu , founders are being officially found guilty and sentenced to 7 years of Jail and a penalty of 5 crores INR , see the position of Sun lord of the management in the 12th house of imprisonment and monetary losses justifying the event perfectly.
In the Physics , Newtons 3rd law state for each action there is equal and opposite reactions , in the same way Time gives us the equal and opposite reactions to our Karmic actions.
Disclaimer : Its purely an astrological case study of the Scam and not intended to hurt anyone sentiments. Investors are suggested to take proper advice of the expert before investing in the market.
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09 Sep 1982, 23:58, Sangod (Rajasthan)