Thursday, 20 November 2014

Which Part Of The Native’s Body Got The Disease?

Question: In September 2014, native has faced illness because of some disease. Please explain with a suitable reason that this disease occurred in which part of the body?
Answer options:
  • (A) Head
  • (B) Arm
  • (C) Stomach
  • (D) Thigh
Native's birth details:
  • Sex: Male
  • Date of Birth: February 08, 1972
  • Time of Birth: 03:20 IST
  • Place of Birth: Ghazipur, Uttar Pradesh, India
  • Longitude: 80:25 E
  • Latitude: 25:48 N

                                                  Explanation of the Answer 

Om Guruve Namah

Answer of the question is the option (D) Thigh and following are the points to validate the logic:
1. From the Lagna, Sun being the 9th lord and Karaka becomes most important planet to look at, here representing thighs has gone to 2nd house which is 6th to 9th (Bhavat Bhavam) representing injuries, disease to the part of the body. It is conjoining Rahu, planet responsible for subtle long term diseases and aspected by Ketu, planet that gives surgery and injuries as its acts like Mars.
2. Saturn the dispositor of Sun is in the 6th house of disease and also Saturn is responsible for the chronic diseases and gives metals surgery to the body organ.
3. Venus being the most malefic for Sagittarius ascendant owing the 6th and 11th house and an ultimate giver of the diseases to the native, is being the dispositor of Saturn and Moon (dispositor of Ketu acting like a malefic Mars) and present in the 4th house in the exalted state which is 8th from 9th house, giving a long term disease and surgery to the native 9th part of body means thighs.
4. From the Chandra Lagna, 9th house of Gemini is being hemmed by top malefics Saturn and Ketu giving Paap Kartari Yoga which actually damages and weaken the house of Gemini i.e. house of thigh and make vulnerable towards a long term disease. Its lord Mercury is again with Rahu and Sun, both are acting as a separative planets.
5. In the D-9 chart, lords of the all the trik houses viz, Mercury, Mars and Jupiter all aspecting 9th house and also fully aspected by Rahu from Navamsa Lagna. 9th lord Jupiter is again fully aspected by Ketu represent some sort of injuries or disease. Planets and dries up the blood flowing means blood circulation weakens in the thigh of the native.
6. From the Vimshottari Dasha, native was running through the Ketu Dasha and Moon Antardasha, which is validating the above mentioned points. Saturn being dispositor of Sun, Mercury, Rahu and Moon dispositor of Ketu and shows the blood flow in the part of body is being retarded.
7. From the transit, most probable date of facing the illness is 22 september 2014, as Moon and Venus were transiting the 9th house and its lord Sun were with Rahu.
8. From the BCP method, Native is running through his 43rd years of time and so 7th house become the trigger point of event, see its lord Mercury with Rahu and Sun whose dispositor Saturn lying in the 6th house of disease. Representing disease in the 9th house or thigh part of the body owned by Sun.
Hence the correct option is (D)- Thigh. 
Author is the being the winner of the challenge , his answer is available on the original reference :
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Om Tat Sat.

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