Monday, 11 August 2014

jQuery Basics

jQuery is a cross platform  Javascript library to simplify Javascript programming language and make a compatibility for the various browsers available for the client side HTML scripting or  DOM manipulations..

jQuery 2.x  deprecates  the  support for IE 6 -8 and now only supports the IE 9 onwards along with Chrome , Mozilla , Safari etc browsers makes it lighter in the size.

jQuery 1.x gives the full support for the all the browsers even the older ones like IE 6-7   , that's why  it the most popular and widely used Javascript library in the current web application development world.

It is a  simple and a very powerful library  to work   in the web based applications . It's  based on  "Write less , do more"  principals .

jQuery library contains following features :

1 . HTML/DOM manipulations
2.  CSS selectors based manipulations
3.  HTML event based methods
4.  Animations and effects
5.  Ajax based  handling

Including or Downloading jQuery :

One can download  the latest versions of the jQuery from the jQuery site  or
one can include jquery from the CDN available like Google /Microsoft which is being one of the faster  way to load the jquery as once its loaded its takes from the cache . CDN makes sure to serve it from the closest server to the client making it available in a lesser time or faster loading.
<script src="" />

Lets  understand the DOM tree structure and complete DOM

Document Ready Event : 

 Note : the $ sign represents access to  jQuery

This Ready event prevent any jquery call till document   loading is  completed. If you try to access DOM before the document is loaded , may lead to failure of the action.

   // jquery logic is here.

OR another shorter way of creating a Document Ready Event as :

//your jquery logic is here

$ can access  following three elements :

1. HTML tag elements like $( "div" ) , $(" h1") , $("ul") , $("li") , $("html") , $("body") ,$("a") etc.
2. Classes with dot(.) operator like $(".sample") its gives all the elements having class "sample"
3. ID with hash(#) operator $("#sample-id") , its gives a unique element with the id "sample-id"

Try one sample program of changing color of the text :


    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>jQeury Basics</title>
    <script src=""> </script>
<h1> Welcome to the basics of jQuery !!!!</h1>
<a id="sample-id" href=""> Its an example of ID manipulation. click here to change color to green </a> <br>
<a class="sample-class" href=""> Its an example of class manipulation. click here to change color to blue</a><br>
<p> Demonstration of the  examples of the jQuery tag element manipulation, its  cool!!!!
<a class="p-elements" href=""> click to change the color to red </a></p>
$( document ).ready(function() {
///OR $(function() {
$("#sample-id").on("click" ,function(event) {
//changes the color of the current text to green
$(this).css("color", "green");
$(".sample-class").on("click" ,function(event) {
//changes the color of the current text to blue
$(this).css("color", "blue");
$(".p-elements").on("click" ,function(event) {
//changes the color of the all the element p to red
$("p").css("color", "red");


Enjoy the cool jQuery stuff  .... enjoy the learning ... :) 

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