Monday, 20 October 2014

Native died suffering from which Disease???

Question: The native died due to a disease in August, 2013. Please identify name of disease she suffered and explain it with proper astrological reasoning.
Answer options:
  • (A) Liver dysfunction
  • (B) Breast Cancer
  • (C) Meningitis
  • (D) AIDS
Native's birth details:
  • Sex: Female
  • Date of Birth: December 3, 1978
  • Time of Birth: 11:52 AM
  • Place of Birth: Allahabad (India)
  • Longitude: 81:51 E
  • Latitude: 25:27 N      


 Explanation of the answer : 
Om Guruve Namah , 

Native suffered the disease of Breast Cancer  and following points to validate the logic :

1.Saturn being the lord of Lagna means self body is with Rahu  on the 7th house , Rahu with Saturn throwing 5th aspects to  Moon  , the significator of 6th house  here or lord of disease and  karaka of 4th house or house of breast .

2. Saturn is main planet behind the long term disease Cancer  , here throwing full 10th aspect on the 4th house as well as on Venus being lord of 4th  with its  3rd aspect.

3.Lord of 11th Jupiter which is from Bhavat Bhavam principal another house of disease being 6th to 6th  is exalted in the cancer in the 6th house . Signifying the disease related with the cancer sign or with the natural 4th house , i.e. breast cancer.

4. Lord of longevity , death and chronic disease  i.e. 8th here Mercury is burned by  Sun  showing the sign of medium age with no benefic  aspect  on it  and  throwing full 7th aspect of malefic influence of Sun , Mars and Mercury on 4th house  and causing it extremely weak.

5. Moon Nakshatra is Uttarashadha and its lord is Sun which is being coupled with Mercury being lord of chronic disease and with Mars another significator of disease.

6. From the Chandra Lagna another significator of self body , 4th house lord Jupiter is in the 8th house in the exalted state means some chronic disease related with 4th house  of the body here means to breast .

7 From the Surya Lagna , 4th house contains Ketu planets which gives a strange disease and breaks the parts and aspected by Mars , Saturn and Rahu , all are significator of diseases and gives an incurable disease to the 4th part of the body.

8. In the D-9 chart , again Saturn is influencing the Jupiter being 4th lord with its 3rd aspect in the 12th house of exit and  fully aspecting the 4th house already containing Mars lord of 12th or house of exit for the body or Lagna. So body gets exits with the disease related to 4th house means breast cancer

From the above analysis , 4th house from the all the Lagnas is being under huge malefic influence of Saturn, Rahu , Mars , Sun . All are responsible of the chronic disease of Breast Cancer . 

Native died on August 2013 , when Native was running through the time Rahu > Venus >Venus >Saturn   

Venus here representing the 4th house and being under the high influence of Saturn and Rahu which is throwing full aspect on Moon or lord of cancer sign. So Native died with the incurable disease of Breast Cancer and hence correct answer is ( B )

Above mention  answer was selected as the correct answer  by the juries of the panel of  experts astrological gurus.

Name of the author is appeared in the Hall of fame list of #19  :

Saturday, 11 October 2014

Movies that makes you speechless

                                                       #1. Schindler's list 

#2.  12 Angry Men

                                                #3. Life is beautiful 

                                   #4. The usual suspects

                                    #5. Hotel Rwanda 

#6. Cast Away

#7. The Shawshank redemption

#8. 12 Years a slave

#9. Memento

#10Fight Club


#12. Forrest Gump

#13. Eight Below

#14 . Inception

#15. The Great Escape

#16. October Sky 

#17. Good Will Hunting

#18The Motorcycle Diaries

#19. Hachiko

                                   #20. The Sixth Sense 

                                          #21. Saw

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Ted Bundy - A Notorious serial killer story

Theodore Robert "Ted" Bundy   was an American serial killer, kidnapper, rapist, and necrophile who assaulted and murdered numerous young women and girls during the 1970s and possibly earlier. After more than a decade of denials, he confessed shortly before his execution to 30 homicides committed in seven states between  1974 and 1978; the true total remains unknown, and could be much higher.

Bundy was regarded as handsome and charismatic by his young female victims, traits he exploited to win their trust. He typically approached them in public places, feigning injury or disability, or impersonating an authority figure, before overpowering and assaulting them at more secluded locations. He sometimes revisited his secondary crime scenes for hours at a time, grooming and performing sexual acts with the decomposing corpses until putrefaction and destruction by wild animals made further interaction impossible. He decapitated at least 12 of his victims, and kept some of the severed heads in his apartment for a period of time as mementos. On a few occasions he simply broke into dwellings at night and bludgeoned his victims as they slept.

Ted Bundy died in the electric chair (execution by electrocution) at Raiford Prison in Starke, Florida, on January 24, 1989. Biographer Ann Rule described him as "a sadistic sociopath who took pleasure from another human's pain and the control he had over his victims, to the point of death, and even after.

Born:November 24, 1946, 10:35 PM , Burlington (VT) (United States)

Mars is a planet known as a killer or planet responsible for the severe injuries  and same is the action of  Ketu which acts like Mars (Kuja Vat Ketava). If same are conjunct with the nearer degree and impacting Lagna , Chandra Lagna and Surya Lagna , its become a  notorious killer  amplified with the impact on the 4th house known as house of emotions or mental happiness .

Looking the charts of Ted Bundy , one can find most of the combination matching  with the above mention combination as follows:

1. On the 4th house contains the Lagna lord Sun along with Moon along with Mars , Ketu and Mercury. So its become most important house to analysis with respect to all the Sudarshan Lagnas.

2. 4th house is  damaged with the presence of the malefics mars , ketu, sun ,moon is very weak become malefic in nature also contains Saturn in his cancer sign. So Moon becomes malefic here . Mercury acts also here as a malefic.

3. 5 malefics are damaging the 4th house badly and also Mars is closer to Ketu and Moon. So Moon has full impact of killer flavour of Mars fueled by Ketu and Sun ,being a fiery sign. Its makes mentally Ted Bundy very very violent and fiery in nature.

4. From the Sun and Moon lagnas, Mars is again has full aspect on 4th house and Ketu fully aspecting the 4th lord Saturn . so makes his  mental state with full of violence.

5. All of the lagnas are under the highest influence of Mars and Ketu , so as a self his personality is full of violent temper and acts as killer.

6. Most important thing about him , He had a great deceptive nature being a very handsome and charming personality, he used to attract the girls very easily and very intelligently , later he used to kidnapped them and killed brutally .

7. Venus being in her own house along with the Jupiter being lord of intelligence 5th house and house of sex i.e. 8th house , has given him a very charming and magnetic personality and very deceptive nature that could made a girl easily in the trap of Ted Bundy.

8. His 2nd house is damaged by Rahu and Saturn aspects , so he had seen great trouble in the  family  in  the early stage of the life .

9. Since Moon and Sun are being also damaged greatly by Ketu and Mars , He could not the proper care of the parents. From his  web stories , He didn't know about father and could not get the support of his mother . Since his mother was also struggling with the severe depression.

10 .On the day of 24th Jan 1989 , He was running through the time of Mo > Ra > Me >Sa.

Saturn being in the 12th house of  exit of body   and being the lord of 6th represent injuries in the body and 7th lord act as a maraka  , Mercury here being 2nd lord also acts as a maraka for him. He had given a 2KV  of electric current.

Friday, 3 October 2014

9 forms of Goddess Durga - 9 sacred days of Navratri

Navratri is the 9 sacred days to worship the Shakti of the creation in the forms of Maa Durga's 9 incarnations or Avatars . Without the Shakti , entire creation is baseless and cannot sustain.

 It is believed that Lord Brahma could not make the creation balance and became tired.Then He worshipped Maa Shakti to help Him in the creation , later Maa Durga helped Him in the creation and became the seed energy of the creation . 

What we see it as a nature is Maa Durga , She is in the entire creation . Without Her blessing this creation would collapse, so it becomes necessary for the Human to bring the blessing of Goddess onto the earth with the sacred worshipping .Not only this time boost the positive energy to ones but entire nature gets positive energy with the chanting of Goddess names. 

 Following are the names in the sequence of 9 incarnations of Maa Durga - 

  •  First day of Navratri – Shailputri 
  •  Second day of Navratri – Brahmacharini 
  •  Third day of Navaratri – Chandraghanta
  •  Fourth day of Navaratri – Kushmanda 
  •  Fifth day of Navratri – Skandamata
  •  Sixth day of Navratri – Katyayani 
  •  Seventh day of Navratri – Kaalratri 
  •  Eighth day of Navaratri – Maha Gauri 
  •  Ninth day of Navaratri – Siddhidatri


  Om Tat Sat ...    

Planetary outlook of Bitcoin

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