Bitcoin was introduced to the world on January 3 , 2009 , exact time is not known so time taken as 12PM .
Planetary details on that day were as follow as per the Vedic Calendar :

I am elaborating this time event analysis based with respect to wisdom of Vedas. Some of the important points to note down as follow point by point regarding the charts of Bitcoin as an entity :
- When time is unknown exact ascendent is not possible to identify , reference of Moon as an ascendent works pretty well in determining the related time events of an entity. So here in the above chart Moon is taken as the pivot of the chart.
- Venus denotes the Finance and Jupiter/Mercury represents the banking system or system involved the legitimate monetary transactions or trade.
- Important to note Venus in the ascendant and supported by Jupiter and Mercury in the vicinity. All the 3 key factors of financial system is supported in the chart. Note that Bitcoin is another way of transactions based on P2P which is highly secure and follow cryptographic algorithm as the security of the transaction. Chart is promising in getting the support as treated for a digital payment system. Its decentralised architecture is the key to the concept of blockchain.
- Sun represent coins governed by Government authorities and Moon represents coins made of silver or equivalent to it and a non conventional coins.
- Moon along with Venus in the ascendant shows perfect glimpse of non conventional behaviour of coin and creates a beautiful phenomena to the world. Bitcoin as a cryptocurrency is a revolution in the digital payment system , slowly people and world will accept the beauty of the Bitcoin.
- Moon being the lord of 6th house of disputes lies in the ascendant , so Bitcoin had to face many obstacle and disputes before becoming such a popular entity of the current time. Currently Bitcoin market capitalisation come around $32 billion.
- Moon ascendant Saturn which represent the masses goes to the house of public of 7th and aspect it own house , making the ascendent strengthened . Saturn gives the ability of leader and a leader is always born with the support of public and masses. This chart clearly indicates wide acceptance over the period of time . The process would be slow but steady.
- Saturn and Moon are aspecting each other , this Moon - Saturn combination gives anxiety and nervousness in the public and make people hesitate before investing into it. Don't worry things will be fine , some hiccups will come and go with the time.
- Venus being a Dhankaraka and Yogakaraka , being auspicious and wealth giver , lies in the ascendent , gives a bright future of it. At the running time of Venus in both Saturn - Venus / Venus -Saturn , valuable growth is expected.
10 . Currently its going through the dasa time of Jupiter which is debilitated , so there would time come , when there would be heavy correction in the prices . Its dasa or main period will be run till 2035 , after that zenith of growth will be achieved and entire would be dependent on Bitcoin payment solution.
- Saturn and Venus are creating an extremely auspicious yoga of wealth and boost the financial status of Bitcoin.
- Saturn in 7th also causes the mining process of Bitcoin as a creation of a new industry, it will be supported by masses over the period of time.
Charts of the Bitcoin is looking promising and shows a new trend in the world in the field of digital payment.
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Youtube Link for Bitcoin History
Youtube Link for Bitcoin History